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Board Members
Organizational structure of the Branch of ODUM
- The chairman represents the Branch to coordinate the internal activity of individual referents, the head of artistic units and periodically reports to the Main Board on the work of the branch; summons the General Meeting of the Branch Branch and transfers them; keeps a book of work schedules and various affairs affairs affiliate
- The deputy chairman intervenes in the absence of the head and assists him in fulfilling his obligations.
- The secretary conducts correspondence of the branch, he writes the minutes of the meeting of the branch office, the general meeting, keeps in a proper manner the books received and sent letters, a book of applications for entry to ODUM, to be in separate books for all years, a book of records, a membership compendium and its followers and so on.
- Treasurer to conduct financial book of the branch, collects members’ contributions, controls funds, approves spending and donations. Gives a report to the General Board for others.
- The youth advisor is concerned about the growth of the youth in ODUM, works at weekly gatherings of ODUM members. Insures the availability of uniforms. Together with the Board of the branch of educators, keeps lists of the membership of youth in ODUM, searches for materials for educators, checks the presence of members of the youth in ODUM, seeks to ensure that the instructors check the presence of members at the meetings, checks payment of membership fees and so on.
- The organizational referent will monitor the preparation for the branch for programs, is responsible for advertisement of them (flyers, poster, web-site), prepares, together with other referents, nature walks, manages, co-worked with the cultural referent and press and information reporter, programs of odum radio and television programs, etc.
- The cultural and educational referent cares about the organization and work of alone-working circles: drama, literary, historical, social-political, chess, musical units (ensemble of bandura players, string orchestras, string ensemble, singing groups of boys and girls), dance and so on. He cares about the cultural symbols of the branch. Together with the artistic leaders of the groups selects performers for performances, cares for visiting the practices and performances. Conducts a book of clippings from the press about the affiliate’s branch office’s photoalbum, as well as a directory list of branch books and, if necessary, recommends purchasing new books, notes for magazines for artistic guidelines. It also counts in the book issuance and return of books by subscribers and more.
- The sports referent is responsible for sports participation, as young ODUM, and the older groups. Organizes volleyball teams of boys and girls, watches over their practices, arranges ping-pong tournaments, billiards, chess, and others. Arranges appropriate competitions with other organizations.
- The caretaker referent cares about the branch’s property. Carry out a book of property. He cares about the cleanliness and order where weekly meetings take place.
- The press and information reporter will popularize the work of the branch through the press, radio, etc.; after the post about the presentation of the branch and sends them either directly to the editorial offices or to the referent of the Main Board.
- The Control Commission controls less than once a year by all books published by the Board of Directors of the branch.
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